I’m a Failure

I’m a failure. That’s how I see myself right now. I’m dumb, worthless, non-sense. Waking up every morning afraid that I might fail again and my yesterdays keep hunting me from the horrors of my mistakes. I don’t know where I should start again, I wish there’s a reset button that can erase all of it and have a fresh start. I wish Delorean time machine is true so I can correct my actions in the past and have a wonderful future, but that can’t be possible. I’m the worst person you’ll ever meet, I’m not so obedient child, mean friend, horrible employee, uncompassionate human being, I’m all this. I’m very disappointed to myself trying to be the best on where I am right now but I always fall short.
I’m a failure. I’m a sinner. I’m in every word in pessimistic minds. Always trying to compare my life with other people. Their looks, their success, the people around them, their possessions, talents and everything nice while I’m here in the middle of nowhere trying to find myself hoping that one day life would be better for me, doing things I really wanted to do.
Suddenly, i changed focus.If we will see through the eyes of people who will not recognize us in the things we do right and condemn us on the things we did wrong. If we continue to hear the voices within telling us we are not good enough, we are a waste, then we will continue to live a life of failure. Let’s start seeing ourselves the way our creator sees us. We are His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10), we are precious in His sight and we are love (Isaiah 43:4) not based on the things we do but based on who we really are.
I keep telling myself “i’m a failure” but God keeps on reminding me i’m loved by Him no matter what. I keep telling myself “i’m not able” but He says “I’ll give you the strength you needed.” And i realized in moments we fail, it is an opportunity to display His glory on How we face those situations. We praise Him when life is good and we should praise Him even more when it’s not because only in our darkest night we can see His brightest light.
Will our failures define us? Jacob steals Esau’s birth right, but He reconciled with God, so does with his brother. Moses is not that confident but He leads the Israelites to crossed the red sea. King David committed adultery but he is called ‘a man after God’s own heart’. Peter denied Jesus but He became the pioneer of the early church. Paul persecuted the church but defended it after knowing Jesus. 
Our every failure has a purpose. Be patient with ourselves and others when failure strikes because we are all a work in progress. We are in a museum where all of us is heading into a wonderful finish product when He returns.
The world measures life on how successful you are, but God sees you on not what you did but on who you are.
In times we fail, go to Jesus and be addicted in His GRACE.

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